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Press Release on LTTA in Italy (November 2023)
The BUPA Project is an Erasmus + Project, aiming to find new and innovative tools and approaches to include coding and game design concepts in school education by upskilling students and teachers in developing games for thematic learning. The project also aims to develop students’ digital skills in what game...
3rd Transnational Project Meeting (25th of May 2023)
On the 25th of May 2023, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) was held in Athens, at Ilioupoli/ Athens hosted by XENIOS POLIS. The meeting was attended in person by all partners (CODEUP- PT, XENIOS POLIS- GR, CARDET- CY, IES LA SENIA- ES, AEVA-PT, IIS MARCONI MANGANO- IT, FIP-IE), while...
Do you know that game design can be a great way to teach students a variety of skills?
Additionally, the process of creating games can encourage teamwork, communication, and collaboration. There are many resources available to help teach game design in schools, including game development software and educational kits. Our project, BUPA (Be Upskilling additive), is about using game design concepts to learn (too) other issues during the...
How To Help Children Learn Through Games
Wherever we look, there are games and the process of creating ludic concepts at the top of the advantages in terms of pedagogical and learning processes. There are many advantages at the same time, and as it is something that children and young people identify with, the learning, retention and...
The Benefits of Gaming in Education
"Games are entertaining and challenging, but they have a larger impact than most gamers suspect. Do you love gaming and spent hours daily immersing in your favorite games? The good news is that despite what jaded adults would think, gaming can be a highly productive activity, which tests and develops...